Converged GAP Assessment / Remediation

A converged GAP assessment and remediation roadmap is the most critical consultant and partnering choice you can make because you are defining and developing a baseline for your enterprise security posture. Without doing this properly, you are constantly patching and Band-Aiding people, process and technology together. Please understand that if done properly, this will be extremely rewarding.

The goal of a converged GAP assessment is to define one’s maturity rating across business processes, compliance and regulations, technology, and culture within the four domains information technology, operational technology, physical security, Internet of Things, and Cellular of Things (IT, OT, PS, IoT and (CoT).  It applies to the operational, informational/cyber, and physical domains.


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​A converged GAP assessment and remediation roadmap will help improve your business resiliency and business efficiencies, impacting your products and services; and will enable you to identify ‘GAPS’ in your existing posture and plans, and work from an established baseline.  Applying the bSMART® methodology is a dynamic process, not a static point-in-time analysis, which is a real time metrics driven initiative. Once established, you will be able to better focus corporate resources and energy to those areas that will produce your goals continuously in a fastest manner. bSMART® is an applied solution of moving your organization from a current state to a future state of business resiliency and keeping it there.

This is Converged Security Information Management!